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FORCHECK PC/Windows V14.6.08 gfortran 2015-05-27 19:30:21 page: 1 fckdem.for /RI/OB 1 PROGRAM FCKDEM 2 C================================================================ 3 C 4 C this is a FORTRAN-77 demonstration program 5 C to show FORCHECK output 6 C 7 C================================================================ 8 C 9 PARAMETER (LUN=1) 10 C 11 INCLUDE 'FCKDEM.INC' 11.1 COMMON /COM/ NAME1 12 COMMON/COM1/K 13 INTEGER IAR(10) 14 EQUIVALENCE (NAME,NAME1) 15 CHARACTER*1 NAME(6), name1*6 (file: fckdem.for, line: 15) *1 **[ 96 W] obsolescent Fortran feature (file: fckdem.for, line: 15) *6 **[ 96 W] obsolescent Fortran feature 16 C 17 DATA L1/1/, LABEL/1000/ 18 C 19 C================================================================ 20 C 21 DO 10 I = 1, 6 22 NAME(I) = ' ' 23 10 CONTINUE 24 NAME(7) = ' ' (file: fckdem.for, line: 24) 7 **[327 E] subscript out of range 25 C 26 L = A + FUN(1.) (file: fckdem.for, line: 26) A **[312 E] no value assigned to this variable (file: fckdem.for, line: 26) L = A + FUN(1.) **[699 I] implicit conversion of real or complex to integer 27 CALL FCKSUB (NAME, IAR, 2) 28 C 29 WRITE(LUN,LABEL), 'European Software' (file: fckdem.for, line: 29) LABEL **[308 E] no statement label assigned to this variable (file: fckdem.for, line: 29) LABEL **[ 98 W] deleted Fortran feature (file: fckdem.for, line: 29) , 'European Software **[448 W] "," not allowed 30 READ *,I 31 1000 FORMAT(A) 32 C 33 END |
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