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User reactions
"My group has built electromagnetic modeling and inversion software programs for the mineral exploration industry for Australian and overseas companies for the last 16 years. We discovered Forcheck about 6 years ago. Without question, it has been the biggest productivity booster of any software tool we have ever purchased. It has saved us several man-month in identifying errors which would have otherwise cost us extensive run time analysis. In addition, it has been a valuable aid in structuring programs and in helping to adhere to ANSI standard Fortran. If that's not enough, a further benefit is that it takes about 10 minutes to learn how to use it. Whenever someone new, unacquainted with Forcheck, joins the group, it is interesting to see their reaction after they have used Forcheck the first time. When they discover its power to identify the range of errors to which new software is subject, they become addicted to its use. Indeed, at an unconscious level it becomes standard operating procedure to run all program modifications, no matter how simple, through Forcheck before compiling. It is difficult to over-praise this product which has become such a reliable partner in our work. NOTE: This endorsement is personal in nature and does not constitute an official endorsement by CSIRO." 

Dr. Art Raiche Chief Research Scientist Mathematical Geophysics Group CRC AMET CSIRO Division of Exploration & Mining Australia. 

"We have been using the Forcheck program on two large application programs and have found its use very efficient and fast and the results have been extremely useful. I wished we had this program earlier." 

Charles Stroom, European Space Technology Centre, Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

"We have already had the first outrageous reactions on FORCHECK!" 

Arnoud ten Cate, CABO Wageningen, the Netherlands.


"Forcheck has been installed and the users are very enthusiastic."

Jan Buitendijk, Staring Centrum, Wageningen, the Netherlands.

"FORCHECK does much better in respect of sorting out possible unset variables than most mainframe FORTRAN compilers, which (when they check this at all) nearly all give far too many warnings. In general I am very happy with FORCHECK and find it extremely useful."

 George Sheldrick, Inst. Anorg. Chemie der Universitaet Goettingen, FRG.

"Forcheck saves me much development time and I am very content with it."

 Bert Klaasen, Physics and Electronics Lab, TNO, The Hague, the Netherlands.

"I appreciate your program very much and I hope that it will be developed further and further."

 Hans Peter Geiger, Zurich, Switzerland

"I am using your wonderful FORCHECK program on a PC. It is really good."

Dr.-Ing. Casimir Katz, Advisory Engineer VBI, Switzerland.


"We are suitably impressed with the capabilities of Forcheck and intent to recommend its purchase in the near future."

 A.C. Willes, State Electricity Commission of Victoria, Australia.

"We use the program Forcheck with pleasure for the maintenance of our large Fortran applications. It has been already of invaluable service. "

J. v.d. Spek, Shell International, The Hague, Netherlands.

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